itc LED Video Wall Supplier > itc P3.91 LED Rental Screen applied to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand(REINZ)

itc P3.91 LED Rental Screen applied to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand(REINZ)

Location: New Zealand Product: P3.91 Rental LED Display 2021-06-30 3,545

The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) is a membership organization representing more than 14,000 real estate professionals nationwide. REINZ specializes in all facets of real estate including residential sales, rural, auctioneers, business brokers, commercial and industrial sales and leasing and residential property managers.

Most recently, REINZ hosted the first Young Professionals in Real Estate conference at Shed 10 in Auckland. A real seamless itc  LED screen of pixel pitch 3.91mm was mounted in the venue of Young Professionals in Real Estate (YPIRE) Conference. Measuring 9MX2.5M, the itc LED screen is able to receive real-time information data and deliver the visualized critical content with the highest image quality, while providing a comfortable viewing experience and stability.

itc sincerely thank our customers for supporting and trusting our products! Hope our itc LED Screen can give you a real and colorful world.

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